
Man's Best Friend and Worker...

Snowmachine Exhaust...nose tingling from the crisp air...airplanes buzzing around...kids playing with hay...tourist with cameras...people expectant and dressed warm...Iditarod!


Anonymous said...

Iditarod is such a fun time of the year!

DuneMoose said...

I was pondering... many times actually over the past year or so... "Do I miss Koyuk?" I think of "the same old the same old"... but seeing pics from winter time, beginning with the Golovin trip pics... sure makes me wish I was there!! Especially after leaving Arizona and back to Sand Point where the temps are the coldest they've ever had (they say). About 8 degrees. Quyanna you share!! I'll make sure I spend some time there next winter about this time. From the sounds of it, I will potentially be in Sand Point until Thanksgiving again this year. You should come visit this summer. There's a plane here I could use... there's lot's to do IF you have people... I'll hook you guys up... Aleut Style!! Peace! Doug

Trappin' & Coffee said...

You know Jason and I, we're willing to try lots of "new" things. How neat that a plane can bring so much freedom, I'd love to fly with you. By the way, for a month, there is a possibility of Jay and I acquiring a tri-pacer from Nome. Tim Daniels is helping us out, he and Jay will go in a few weeks to check it out in Nome. We've saved up some cash if we go with it. If we get it, we'll go for our private pilots license this summer. Aleut style, heck, if you're there, we'll look into it!!!