
Uncle Hippie Freddy and His Dog Elizabeth

Well, you know how most people need to wind down friday nights after a long week. We had our ritualistic friday night homemade pizzas and had the counselor, Ms. Riedel over. She brought over a couple of blond wigs for us to try in prep for halloween. We were also fortunate to have "Uncle Freddy" and his dog "Elizabeth" over (Romay named them). It was a little unexpected, but hey, we made sure they were well fed and got to catch up. We never know when they'll pass through, glad we got to visit together.


DuneMoose said...

Man, wish I could hang out. Looks like fun!

Jeni said...

What a dork; need I say more. Hippie Freddy would be funny if he danced. Kemper looks cute! I bet Berry would say the same thing too.

Anonymous said...

They say owner and pet start to eventually look like each other...