
Behind on Updates

-Jason purchased a chain saw in Fairbanks, we're going out to the property today to try out his new toy. Speaking of toys, I bought a belt sander, so that WHEN I find good deals (good deals always need a little bit of care), I'm ready to sand and repaint...dressers, shelves, etc
-Work, for Jason and I, begins on August 11th, this year we're going to attempt cooking on saturdays, freezing the meals, and saving them for the next busy work week, Kemper can do the clean up, as usual, with leftovers.
-We spent two rainy days in Fairbanks. Jason and I saved some money by sleeping, more like rolling around, in the back of our pickup truck. Romay and Ethan got the luxurious front cabin. It was interesting to wake up to 1 1/2 feet of crawl space, crawl into the rain, go to the bathroom, and get ready to shop...haven't taken the bed for granted yet since then.
-Lastnight we spent the evening over at the Haycek household, where we dined on pizza with pudding for dessert, mmmmmm, the kids played about 5 hours of Wii, that time must have passed quickly since the adults had about 1/2 hour afterwards. The kids claimed they were on for only 2 hours and didn't feel it was fair for us to try a few rounds of golf. By the end, it was pushing 1 am and as much as we wanted to stay, we felt obligated to allow the Hayceks' to sleep :)
-Anchorage last week was great, we witnessed and celebrated with Meryl and James, along with many friends and family...it was incredibly nice to spend time with Unalakleet, or once Unalakleet based people, ahhh, roots....
-I miss Gram, Mom and Donus (brother George), we shared a lot of laughs, stories, memories, and even had time to have a wonderful dinner (shrimp, halibut, moose) over at Uncle Gene and Auntie Alva's in Eagle River.
-Our camera is in the mail, hopefully we get a return soon.

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