
Jason's Makeover

Grizzly Adams to...Byron Bruckner

We were noticing that even his beard has some grey in it. Yeah, it's a little weird to be married to an old man.


Jeni said...

Wow, now you don't look like a tall Rick Holt! Enjoy the face expressions. Maybe Myra you could do a trim in my bushes? What do ya say?

Enjoy the real nice photos of the kids skiing.

The house looks nice too. Wait! I didn't see bedroom for me. Don't forget it has to be big enough for Berry too!

DuneMoose said...

During our time out shooting guns tonight I thought, "Real cheap! He's letting it grow back out again!"

Tera said...

Wow Jason, didn't know you had an upper lip.

DuneMoose said...

Have him take a Gillette Mach3 to his face, moose-slick the hair straight back, and pull the specs and he'll be very Andy Garcia-ish.