
I Outta Stop Procastinating...

"If you get to a fork in the road, take it." --Yogi Berra

That is my problem today, I haven't really made any decisions, more like sitting around and playing Nintendo with the kids. YES, the first one that was issued in the 80's! We have a good excuse to stay indoors since it's pretty nasty out. Plus, Jason went to Unalakleet for the district inservice, although it was a little strange to watch everyone go, I had to remind myself of the decision I made to home school the kids. I'll start school with them next tuesday, along with the public school. SO, today we're in the house, doing laundry, cleaning, playing Nintendo, and staying dry. Oh yeah, I did run 8 miles earlier and plan to run another 5 to get my 13 miles in for the day. The 1/2 marathon is quickly approaching, sunday!

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