
Hi World

We all look Native, even Jay.


1/2 Marathon, Fully Happy!

1/2 Marathon, Fully Happy!
Sunday, August 19, 2007 was the day I strapped on my shoes along with the electronic running chip. So did about a thousand other people. Here I was, in Anchorage, ready to run the 13.1 mile Humpy’s Half-Marathon and not really knowing what to expect. When it comes to athletics, I believe routine is quite necessary. Every morning, I drink coffee and read through my Bible (trying to read the whole book by March). In order to preserve that habit, I found myself at Wal-Mart, drinking McDonalds coffee and thereafter, went to the book section and found a Bible reading a couple of chapters in the aisle. Determined to keep my usual daily activities somehow helped me believe that the run would go well that day. At the starting line, I was fully pleased to meet fellow people from the Bering Straits region: Roy Agloinga (wow did he kick tail!), Katie (formerly Morris) Peterson, and Marta Thrasher. “GO!” I heard and the crowd of people began inching forward and like rain, the sound of feet pattering the pavement sounded like soft rain. Normally, I run alone, with the exception of Kemper or Jason. The crowd, along with the excitement, allowed my pace quicker than normal. By mile 4, I had to slow to a more comfortable cruising speed. As people passed, I enjoyed the different tastes in running clothes and forms, including the senior citizens that breezed by me! By mile 9, my focus was to keep a lady with a purple tang top within view, she seemed to have a steady pace. As I was reaching for a cup of Gatorade, the volunteer turned and our coordination mismatched. Grudgingly, but with a smile, I stopped and turned to get the cup, bottoms up and off I was to find that even pace again. Whoops, lost the lady with the purple tang top. By mile 11, my right Achilles tendon began to ache. Mile 12, wow, one more mile, after all, running is just one foot in front of the other! At mile 13, I despised the fact that the 1/2 marathon was 13.1 miles. At this point, the thoughts that normally motivated me weren’t working. Alas, the final turn and I could see the finish line. Surprisingly, a couple of people recognized me and cheered me on. Once I crossed, all I remember is eating fruit provided and believing that was the best tasting food I have ever put into my mouth. Today, as I ride on the jet back to Nome and stretch my legs, a friendly sore reminder in my quads helps me remember the great achievement I felt yesterday. Another thought, what 1/2 marathon is next?? (time was 2.09.36)


Need to get my camera fixed!

Romay entertained me with her cavewoman personality one rainy day. You can't see this, but she took a pair of (I thought they were old, but they were new) socks and cut holes for her toes and painted them black. of course, ethan was outside somewhere, he only comes in to eat meals and do his daily reading. i told him that i miss him around and he says, "i miss you too momsis, BYE!" :) sympathy, anyone??

Ah, Kemper and I snuggling in the morning with a cup of coffee. Where's Jason? He's off in Unalakleet at the teacher inservice, working, sweating, thinking...I'll get there....later. :) Actually, I was saying to myself how I need to get our camera fixed SOON. My motivation is the fact that I'm tired of using my computer to take these photos, rather than the basic fact that it needs to be fixed. Heck, we live in bush Alaska and everyday I see something or experience something worthwhile that everyone should see. Jay does come home today, the unspoken tradition is to meet him up at the airport WITH Kemper. I'd bring the kids too, it's just that Kemper goes just about everywhere with mom.


I Outta Stop Procastinating...

"If you get to a fork in the road, take it." --Yogi Berra

That is my problem today, I haven't really made any decisions, more like sitting around and playing Nintendo with the kids. YES, the first one that was issued in the 80's! We have a good excuse to stay indoors since it's pretty nasty out. Plus, Jason went to Unalakleet for the district inservice, although it was a little strange to watch everyone go, I had to remind myself of the decision I made to home school the kids. I'll start school with them next tuesday, along with the public school. SO, today we're in the house, doing laundry, cleaning, playing Nintendo, and staying dry. Oh yeah, I did run 8 miles earlier and plan to run another 5 to get my 13 miles in for the day. The 1/2 marathon is quickly approaching, sunday!


Fixin' for Coffee...

Our legs are a little tight and sore from lifting and moving, I know it all looks humble to begin with, but you're looking at the beginnings of Coal Creek Coffee! I dreamed of starting a small business, ever since I did pretty well with selling espresso at the school for some small fundraisers last year. The building is only 8'X6'X8', perfect for me and my little machines. I'm heading into Anchorage next week to hopefully find a good deal on a generator. I've done quite a bit of shopping around and just wanted to look there to finalize that decision. Since I bought the business license, we've built the place, made plans for buying a generator to power it, and ordered the supplies like syrups and various misc. things! Now, the idea is to allow the building some mobility, afterall, I can tow it to where the people are. So, we've put the shop on some runners that are on PVC pipes and I'll bet it'll pull nicely behind the Ski-Doo. We've had a helper named Marvin. You have to understand Marvin's personality to appreciate him. He just moved to 1st grade (graduated from Jeni's class!) and looks like a mini Buddha, belly and smile and all! He comes around the place wearing a Bob Marley shirt and topped off with his smile and wanted to help by handing us the screws and lifting the ladder to numerous places other than where we really needed it. Marvin is also an avid spitter, so I had to remind him to keep his spitting habit outside and not in the shop. Well, after a couple of hours of hanging out with the kid, he decided it was time to go to the bathroom. Without any shame, he goes about 15 feet from the building, picks a nice view of the mountains, and relieves himself. I just about died, that screw I was putting it probably missed the stud that time. Anyways, he was a good worker and I promised him a snack today. Jay and I are a little slow starting the day, laying around and drinking yummy COFFEE!! I'd better lace my running shoes, the 1/2 marathon is on the 19th and I've slacked the past few days because of this little construction project. SO MANY THINGS we're enjoying, at least me! :) The kids have new bikes too, so Ethan (as Jay says) has pretty much joined a biker gang and Romay has her new friend to entertain, the principal's daughter. Okay, I'd better get going for real!


More of Michigan

Looking Back to Michigan

Seems like Dennis (yeah YOU dad!) was ALWAYS giving me a hard time, those of you that know him, know what I mean :) I have the best in-laws! One day Dennis says, "Eskimo's to the back of the van" as we were driving somewhere...you can bet I had my 2 cents in return. There's something nice about being comfortable enough to say things like this with your father in law. Nancy is an super busy body! She always seems to make time to listen and give GREAT insight when you chit chat with her. One of the things I miss listening to is Dennis and Nancy interacting, it's priceless! THANK YOU MOM AND DAD for your warm home and ways you blessed Jay and I.

Jason and I felt priviledged to take a couple of weeks away from home and the main reason is, we were without the kids! Although this may sound a bit harsh towards the kids, all you parents out there completely understand. In fact, getting away helps you in becoming a better parent (we believe).

How did Jason get so tall? Where did those genes come from? Wonder if we'll have tall kids someday?