We have friends... okay, so that may come as a surprise to some of you.. who have blogs that they rarely update. This blog is starting to be one of those stagnant blogs. We can't have that, and so, here is a quick update. I apologize for the lack of photos.
Romay is currently getting things ready for this year's garden. She has a bunch of tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, romaine, and onions started in flats and sitting in front of the windows. The cabbage are beginning to show through the soil and are searching for the sun.
Our house materials have been ordered and paid for. How many people in the U.S. order their houses like they do their Girl Scout Cookies? Well, we did, and have it paid for in advance. So far, everything is being done out of pocket with no mortgage. The only financing we are thinking we may need will come in the form of a Home Depot card when we buy our appliances, plumbing, and light fixtures.
You would think that dreaming and getting the house going would be enough, but Myra and I are also beginning to think about our first sawmill and looking at maybe ordering a small band saw mill to have here by the end of the summer. The goal would be to start harvesting logs from the river and surrounding countryside to mill into boards to be used to build our garage the next summer. We are also dreaming about building a small kiln to dry lumber for our own personal use as well as for sale. With that being said, we also dream of a small planer/molder to make finished lumber. Always a lot going on around here.
God willing, Romay's domestic blueberry plant will come in the mail soon and we will babysit that until the soil is warm enough to transplant it to our lot. It will be an interesting experiment as we are on the borderline of where this particular berry can survive. We have such a nice, warm, growing season in Galena, but we also have such a cold, long winter as well. This Old House has given me a few ideas to apply to our berry though and we'll see what happens. If all goes well, we'll get this blueberry some brothers, sisters, and cousins (raspberries or black caps).
Duck season is right around the corner with rumors of ducks and geese in Anchorage already. With those rumors, we start talking of blind building and getting out the decoys. It really is a little bit more like an addiction for Romay, Kemper and I. Myra also loves to hunt them and is an amazing shot... but I guess she must have gone on the patch or something because she has so much more self control than the daughter, dad, and dog.
In the future, I'll get some pictures on here... the wood pile is becoming epic and deserves some photos. The pilings will soon go in as well and will need some photos taken. Oh, and ducks.